Request an Appointment

MedStar Georgetown Autism and Communications Disorders Clinic

Child's Name*
Date of Birth*
Knowing your date of birth helps us offer you a more efficient experience.
Does your child have any allergies?*


An autism evaluation team?*
A developmental pediatrician?*
A pediatric neurologist?*
A geneticist?*
A child psychiatrist or psychologist?*
A speech pathologist?*
An occupational or physical therapist?*
Has your child's hearing been evaluated by an audiologist?*
Has your child's vision been evaluated?*
Does your child wear glasses?*

Family Medical History

Please check any that apply: (1st Brother)*
Please check any that apply: (2nd Brother)
Please check any that apply: (3rd Brother)
Please check any that apply: (4th Brother)
Please check any that apply: (1st Sister)*
Please check any that apply: (2nd Sister)
Please check any that apply: (3rd Sister)
Please check any that apply: (4th Sister)
Please check any that apply: (1st Aunt)*
Please check any that apply: (2nd Aunt)
Please check any that apply: (3rd Aunt)
Please check any that apply: (4th Aunt)
Please check any that apply: (1st Aunt)*
Please check any that apply: (2nd Aunt)
Please check any that apply: (3rd Aunt)
Please check any that apply: (4th Aunt)
Please check any that apply: (1st Uncle)*
Please check any that apply: (2nd Uncle)
Please check any that apply: (3rd Uncle)
Please check any that apply: (4th Uncle)
Please check any that apply: (1st Uncle)*
Please check any that apply: (2nd Uncle)
Please check any that apply: (3rd Uncle)
Please check any that apply: (4th Uncle)
Please check any that apply: (1st Cousin)*
Please check any that apply: (2nd Cousin)
Please check any that apply: (3rd Cousin)
Please check any that apply: (4th Cousin)
Please check any that apply: (1st Cousin)*
Please check any that apply: (2nd Cousin)
Please check any that apply: (3rd Cousin)
Please check any that apply: (4th Cousin)
Please check any that apply: (Mother)*
Please check any that apply: (Grandmother (maternal side))*
Please check any that apply: (Grandfather (maternal side))*
Please check any that apply: (Father)*
Please check any that apply: (Grandmother (paternal side))*
Please check any that apply: (Grandfather (paternal side))*

Patient Medical History

Prenatal exposure to :*


Type of birth*
Was your child admitted to the NICU?*
Hearing screening results*
Vision screening results*
Are there any additional doctors or specialists involved in your child’s care?*
Name of Physician*
Date Last Seen*
Name of 2nd Physician
Date Last Seen (2nd Physician)
Name of 3rd Physician
Date Last Seen (3rd Physician)
Name of 4th Physician
Date Last Seen (4th Physician)

Please list all medical diagnoses your child has:

Name of Physician who Diagnosed*
Name of Physician who Diagnosed (2nd Diagnosis)
Name of Physician who Diagnosed (3rd Diagnosis)
Name of Physician who Diagnosed (4th Diagnosis)

Please list all medications your child takes:

Start Date*
Stop Date
Start Date (2nd Medication)
Stop Date (2nd Medication)
Start Date (3rd Medication)
Stop Date (3rd Medication)
Start Date (4th Medication)
Stop Date (4th Medication)

Please list any special tests, procedures, and/or hospitalizations since birth (MRI, EEG, surgery):

Date (2nd Procedure)
Date (3rd Procedure)
Date (4th Procedure)


Please indicate if your child’s developmental skills are achieved on time or delayed for each category:

Gross motor skills (sitting up, crawling, walking): *
Self-Care Skills (drinking from cup, finger feeding, dressing self): *
Speech-language skills (understanding words, saying first word): *


Does your child self-feed? *
Does your child have regular bowel movements? *


Is your child currently in daycare, preschool, or school?*
Does your child currently have a IFSP or IEP?*
Please indicate frequency per week or month: *


How does child play with brothers and sisters? *
How does child play with children his/her own age? *
Have your child’s language skills regressed? (lost words, no longer follow directions)? *
Does your child have difficulty falling asleep? *
Does your child repeat or echo certain words or phrases? *
Is your child bothered by certain sensations / feelings? *

This form is secured and the information that you provide is confidential.

MedStar Health Privacy Policy

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